Today is the first day of Autumn! Autumn is a wonderful season, full of colorful leaves and produce. A faint aroma of cinnamon always seems to be wafting in the air. It is the time of the harvest and bountiful baking, a time of remembrance, Thanksgiving, and even the time of spookiness and ghosts. I often find these sensual fall experiences full of creative energy. Below are some Autumn-themed artistic activities lead by our art instructors for you try out this year to bring some Fall spirit into your home.
“If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour." - Victoria Erickson
Pumpkin Pie Garland
You will need the following materials:
Optional Materials:
Colored pencils
Vintage Autumn Forest
You will need the following materials:
Watercolor Ghosts
You will need the following materials:
Watercolor paper (or regular paper if you don’t have any)
Paint brush
Apple Colored Pencil Drawing
You will need the following materials:
Colored pencils
Witch Witch ASL Sign Along
You don’t need any materials. Just join in Able ARTS Work CEO and Founder, Helen Dolas for this fun musical activity.
I hope these fun fall-themed activities helped you get into the Autumn spirit. Tag us on Instagram @ableartslearnforlife with your creations. See more easy at home creation ideas here.
Want to celebrate this year even more and give back to the community? Join us at our virtual creative card-making event in November where all cards made will be donated to the Cardz for Kidz nonprofit.
Sydney Davis-Campos is the Virtual Learning Coordinator at Able ARTS Work, Learn for Life. She has a B.A. in Studio Art and Art History. Sydney has worked at Able ARTS Work for almost 5 years where she has also held the positions of Art Instructor and an Assistant Program Manager.